This volume on communication in transdisciplinary teams is timely for two reasons: the number and size of research teams has increased, and communication is a primary criterion for success in both inter- and trans-disciplinary ...
The new guidelines are meant to protect public health, help evaluate development projects near freshwater and recreational sites and assess potential health aspects of recreational projects.
This publication serves as a roadmap for exploring and managing climate risk in the U.S. financial system. It is the first major climate publication by a U.S. financial regulator.
What is peer to peer? Why is it essential for building a commons-centric future? How could this happen? These are the questions this book tries to answer.
This document provides guidelines on essential environmental health standards required for health care in medium- and low-resource countries and support the development and implementation of national policies.
This book aims to present the current knowledge and research trends concerning the use of fermentation technologies as sustainable and GRAS processes for food and nutraceutical production.
Buku Jasa Ekosistem Hutan Riparian Permaculture memuat hasil analisis dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kemitraan (PKMK) 2021, yang didanai oleh Anggaran PNBP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.
Au Bénin, il existe deux sites de mangrove incrustés dans les zones humides d'importance internationale ou sites Ramsar (le complexe 1017 ou complexe Ouest et le complexe 1018 ou complexe Est).
This book presents research that applies the Google Earth Engine in mining, storing, retrieving and processing spatial data for a variety of applications that include vegetation monitoring, cropland mapping, ecosystem assessment, and gross ...